Getting out of the camera

Getting out of the camera often today was a different experience while taking a picture, "Suddenly the boy came and said, 'Brother does not take a picture of how my body looks.'
It was my duty as a photographer to keep request. So, when picking up and giving yourself a very nice smile. When I showed him the brother said it was very nice, you cut it down (told to leave it in the net).
I asked Tumito a very nice smile and said that if the brother does not laugh, then there will be no tears only father or three younger brothers and sisters. At night, I have a lot of pain in the body so I do not understand, so I go home with a smile and give 25 bucks.
I couldn't say much more, we really have a lot to learn from him.

The name is not known.
Always be happy to see that life has become much easier.

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@Fozle Rabby